Mideast & Africa Region

1989 – March 6-9

  • First meeting was held at the Marriott Hotel in Amman, Jordan
  • Attended by 15 millers, 5 mill manufacturing company representatives and 4 guest speakers. Attendee countries included Bahrain, Syria, Kenya, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Qatar, Turkey and UAE.
  • The meeting covered technical topics, major mill manufacturers’ presentations and discussions on the benefits of a Miller’s Association in general. It concluded with a vote for officers to lead the group to the first session that was set for Nov 6 – 9, 1989 in Cairo, Egypt.
  • Khaldoun Talhouni (Jordan) was elected Chairman; Ghazi Al Salimi (Qatar) as Vice-Chairman; Tommys Mitsides (Cyprus) as Secretary/Treasurer; and a Meetings Committee consisting of Phineas Miriti (Kenya); Anwar Ghouri (UAE); Nicolas Tsikhlakis (Jordan); Abdel Hamid Al Ghoneimy (Egypt)

1989 – Nov 6-9

  • The meeting was held at the Ramses Hilton Hotel, Cairo, Egypt and hosted the President of AOM.
  • The purpose was to explain the benefits of AOM versus an area Miller’s Association; to solicit support from all involved, and to formalize the region as an official District of AOM. It was to be the first District outside the Americas for AOM.
  • It was attended by around 70 millers from the region.
  • The meeting offered technical presentations; more discussions on the benefits and activities of AOM; a formal application to join AOM as a new District, along with the normal social events, hosted meals and evening functions.
  • There was no exhibition at the meeting but it was agreed to be included in the future. Due to its successful high participation, the meeting adhered to the formation of its momentum where The AOM District 16 was formed and was named as ‘Middle East & East Africa District’.

The size and quality of the district’s constant string of conference and expo has steadily grown and evolved through the progression of the annual events held throughout the region in Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Turkey, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Mauritius, UAE and Yemen. In 2001, the district name changed to ‘Mideast & Africa District’, reflecting the expansion of its influence and reach.

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