المؤتمرات والمعارض السابقة لـلـجـمـعـيـة الـدولـيـة لـلـمـطـاحن في الــشــرق الأوســط وأفـريـقـيـا

الجمعية الدولية للمطاحن في الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا – الأردن 2011

الجمعية الدولية للمطاحن في الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا – الأردن 2011

الجمعية الدولية للمطاحن في الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا – الأردن 2011

الجمعية الدولية للمطاحن في الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا – الأردن 2011
الجمعية الدولية للمطاحن في الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا – الأردن 2011

Conference Papers

October 2, 2011
  1. Opening Session – Welcome Speech – MEA District Director
  2. Opening Session – Opening Speech – Jordan Official
  3. Opening Session – Introductory Speech – Global Food Security
  4. Country Focus – Turkey
 October 3, 2011

  1. Workshop – Strategy Management Workshop for a Milling Company
  2. Management Session – Magmt#01 – Strategic Planning For A Changing Marketplace
  3. Management Session – Magmt#02 – Total Quality Management Issues in Milling Management/ Use of Running Averages in Milling Operation
  4. Management Session – Magmt#03 – Diversification Strategies of the Milling Industry
  5. Management Session – Magmt#04 – Employee Training/Knowledge is Productivity/Training for the Future/Knowledge is Power
 October 4, 2011

  1. Technical Session – TP#01 – Hard and Soft Wheat Milling
  2. Technical Session – TP#02 – Gluten Replacer
  3. Technical Session – TP#03 – Step by Step Wheat Farming, Flour Milling & Quality
  4. Technical Session – TP#04 – Key Factors to Drive Efficiency in a Flour Mill
  5. Technical Session – TP#05 – Flour Cost Saving with Flour Correctors
  6. Technical Session – TP#06 – Environmental Sustainability: What it means to the Flour Milling Industry
  7. Technical Session – TP#07 – Taste Panel Study on Foods Made from Fortified Wheat and Maize Flour


  1. What’s New Session – WN#01 – Galileo New Concept in Sifting
  2. What’s New Session – WN#02 – New Generation Roler Mills & Plansifters
  3. What’s New Session – WN#03 – NIR Master
  4. What’s New Session – WN#04 – Flour Mixing Concept for Consistent Flour
  5. WN-05-Agromatic-IAOM Jodan.2011
  6. What’s New Session – WN#06 – Recent Development in Rheological Instruments
  7. What’s New Session – WN#07 – New Innovative Bag Closure for Flour
  8. What’s New Session – WN#08 – Product Drying Technology for Pasta and Precooked Semolina
  9. What’s New Session – WN#09 – Biepa – Labs
  10. What’s New Session – WN#10 – Modernization of the Bag Closing Lines in the Milling Industry What’s New Session –
  11. WN#11 – Multi sensor system for online/inline inspection/monitoring of flour quality
 October 5, 2011

  1. Trading Session – TS#01 – American Outlook
  2. Trading Session – TS#02 – Australian grains perspective
  3. Trading Session – TS#03 – Canadian Wheat Situation
  4. Trading Session – TS#04 – French Crop Quality and Quantity
  5. Trading Session – TS#06 – Russia/Kazakhstan/Ukraine Wheat Situation
  6. Trading Session – TS#09 – What the world Wants from Australian Wheat
  7. Workshop – World wheat supply and demand

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